Monday, July 18, 2011

What we've done

 We've turned joy into a virtue to strive for instead of allowing it to be the natural response to a revelation of the love of Christ.

                                                    - Me

I know others have said it before and probably said it better. I know it's true in my life. I've taken the "fruit" of the Spirit and tried to reproduce it in myself and by myself. All I get is a tasteless sham that doesn't sustain life. I don't want that anymore. I want to live life alive.


  1. Wow. Yes, it is so common for us to go ahead and try to make ourselves joyful, when the joy is found in Him. I know I've done that before, trying to be happy on my own. The happiness never lasted. But His joy remains long after happiness would die off. It lasts through the storms. Thanks for the reminder that if we desire true joy we should abide in Him.
